Discussing Facial Recognition Technology: A Missed Opportunity
This blog post is an article critique for, Public faces? A critical exploration of the diffusion of face recognition technologies in...

Infinite Distraction: Connections Across Scholarship
Distraction. It is a word that is seemingly minor, and yet, its implications are major. Pettman (2016), unravels this misconception in...

Cultural Influences on Habits and the Habitual
Although a very difficult read, Chun (2016) offers a few interesting arguments worth delving into. The standout is her take on why habits...

More Opportunities for Future Research: Homophily on Lesser Researched Social Media Sites
This week’s blog post focuses on two articles, (Dvir-Gvirsman, 2017) and (Waddell & Sundar, 2017). Dvir-Gvirsman (2017) provides us with...

Article Review: "Classifying Twitter Topic-Networks Using Social Network Analysis"
Timely article for an upcoming paper! “Classifying Twitter Topic-Networks Using Social Network Analysis,” written by Himeboim, Smith,...

'Affective Publics,' Impressive but Heavy on the Jargon
Reading Papacharissi’s “Affective Publics” (2014) requires a great deal of effort. Its composition poses barriers for non-academics and...

Different Questions on Digital Inequality
The shift in academic focus from the digital divide to digital inequality is clear. With increased access and use over time, "...new...

A Perspective on Technological Determinism
The book, "Personal Connections in the Digital Age," (Baym, 2015) offers scholars a critical analysis on interpersonal communication via...

Obsolescence in SNSs Scholarship
“Sociality Through Social Network Sites,” authored by Ellison and boyd (2013), delivers a roadmap for how to study social media. Zeroing...